John Deere Combine Settings for Soybeans


Harvesting is the most important and last stage in the farming process. In modern times, this process is carried out very scientifically and a lot of advanced farm equipment is used. The combine setting is the best way to achieve great results. The setting must be modified to the type of crop. Thus using the John Deere Combine settings for Soybeans will achieve the best results while harvesting a tough crop like soybeans.

Importance of the right kind of John Deere Combine settings for Soybeans:

John Deere combine is a complex set up with a combination of a number of machines working as a cohesive unit. To make it work best and avoid grain loss and damage, the different components must be set in the proper way to enhance the overall functioning. The acceptable loss is usually is 3% but it may go up to 10% if the setting as re not properly adjusted.  The adjustments must, of course, be done one at a time for sound results. 

A few guidelines for John Deere combine settings for Soybeans: 


The farm owner should be aware that soybean gain loss can occur in three ways – pre-harvest stage, in the header and finally in the combine.  The total loss of harvest can be found by checking behind the combine. To minimize the loss setting of all the three areas should be adjusted properly.

Since 80% of harvest loss occurs at the header, the setting of this component should receive maximum attention.  By having an automatic control of header height and a flexible cutter bar, will help to keep the header low and at ground level to have a good harvest.  The cutter bar should be as low as possible especially when harvesting short or dry kind of soybeans.

A key part of the setting is about determining the ground speed of the combine. This can be decided by the operator as he thinks is most convenient for him. Whenever required the speed of combine should be kept down to say 0.5 mph. The components like knives, ledger plates, and guards and sickle should be in top shape. Spares to replace damaged or worn out parts should be stocked. 

Shorter variety of soybeans crop demands lesser clearances between different parts like reel, cutter bar,feed conveyor chain and the auger. This will help to make sure that the stems are fed into the feeder home smoothly through the platform.

A few components to be maintained at a high level of functioning are the f Rotor, Straw chopper, and Feeder house drive chain. However, the feeder house drum should be in a low position. Another useful step is to maintain the reel speed to suit the soybean condition and the ground speed. Besides, the chains and bearing should be lubricated well and service carried out at regular intervals.


The John Deere Combine setting for Soybeans, if done in the best possible way goes a long way in harvesting soybeans with maximum productivity and efficiency. The soybeans are one of the toughest crops to harvest. All that the farmer has to do is follow al the standard guidelines provided by the manufacturer to reap the rewards of a successful soybean harvest.


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